Marriage Counseling
“..from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do us part”
These vows may seem like a distant memory, or even a bad memory. Marriage has not turned out as expected. Children have added responsibility and stress. Work pressures have drowned out the intimacy once shared. Seemingly innocent topics lead into anger, silence, and distance…maybe even talk of divorce or thoughts of infidelity. You may have never thought “for worse” meant this, but what is the answer?
The experienced and compassionate counselors at BCC understand the hopelessness of couples in a hurting marriage. Marriage counseling can turn a hard marriage into a joyful marriage. More important, God breathes hope when his biblical principles are wisely applied for those in a distant or even volatile marriage.
The counselors at BCC can help you to build a marriage relationship that more accurately represents its original intent — to reflect God’s love and relationship with His people. We challenge hurting couples to take the 10 session challenge. It’s not one size fits all counseling, but we help couples navigate through each the tough topics in marriage. You may schedule daytime and evening appointments with biblical counselors at four Chicago area locations (Arlington Heights, Schaumburg, DuPage County, NW Indiana). We also counsel by Skype.
INTAKE FORMS: Please download, complete, and bring these intake forms to your initial visit at Biblical Counseling Center. Thank you.
Listen to the story of restoration that one couple experienced through counseling at BCC.