Hating Hate Without Hating Haters: What Did Jesus Teach Us About Hate?

Dr. Tim AllchinFor Those Giving Help, For Those Seeking Hope9 Comments

This was a tough week in our country. In western Pennsylvania and multiple other communities across the country, hatred was on full display as bullets flew and lives were lost. The carnage and discourse over the last week has been unsettling as we all grapple with why our country continues to settle our divisions by shooting up political rallies, retail stores, nightclubs, … Read More

Why Churches Feel Overwhelmed by Counseling

Dr. Tim AllchinFor Those Giving HelpLeave a Comment

I recently spent a week at one of the largest pastor’s conferences in the United States to share how BCC seeks to help churches. As I talked with many pastors, a few themes stood out to me about care and counseling in the local church. Most churches and pastors are overwhelmed and don’t know what steps to take to improve … Read More

Two Essentials of Christlike Care

Dr. Tim AllchinFor Those Giving HelpLeave a Comment

Jesus cares for addicts…  and corrupt politicians.  Jesus cares for the sick…  and adulterers. Jesus cares for the homeless…  and rich people. The left side of those three sentences would gain approval from most inside and outside the church. The right side might be harder for us to agree to. Jesus cared for all people in a complicated world, one … Read More

Helping Teenagers Navigate Life Transitions and Unwanted Change

BCC StaffFor Those Giving HelpLeave a Comment

Written by BCC Counselor Sheri Ho The last two posts from Dr. Tim Allchin have discussed “How the Bible Addresses Trials, Transitions, and Dealing with Unwanted Change”. In this post, we’ll delve deeper into this experience for teenagers so we can better understand and support them biblically. I’ve encountered various first-generation immigrant families. The parents, having recently arrived in the … Read More

How the Bible Addresses Trials, Transitions, and Dealing with Unwanted Change (Part 2)

Dr. Tim AllchinFor Those Seeking HopeLeave a Comment

I recently met with a man devastated by the loss of his lucrative job and the career path he so carefully sacrificed for and cultivated. It felt unfair that his rival took the leadership position and laid him off with a minimal severance. Now he’s struggling to concentrate and provide as a day trader, drinking too many days away, completely depressed, and … Read More

Top Four Questions About Premarital Counseling

Dr. Tim AllchinFor Those Seeking HopeLeave a Comment

Our counselors meet with a lot of married couples in difficult situations. I’ll confess a thought that sometimes goes through our minds is: “Why did you get married??” We probably wouldn’t ask that question out loud, but any experienced counselor will tell you it’s crossed their mind. A common denominator in many of these cases is that the couples had … Read More

Why the Gospel Matters in Counseling (Part 2)

Dr. Tim AllchinFor Those Giving Help1 Comment

Isn’t it odd that some Christians in the mental health field act like the Gospel and the Bible aren’t needed in the counseling office? The Gospel is good news for every person who chooses to trust Christ and accept the gift He offers: new life in Him. Life change happens when the broken begin living for God rather than self. The … Read More