Come join the celebration at our annual fall banquet, and see hope restored on Friday, September 22, at The Patrician in Schererville, IN. REGISTER now. Click here.

Speaker Jim Phillips with his wife and grandkids.
We’re excited to welcome Pastor Jim “Coach” Phillips. . .
He is an experienced biblical counselor and pastor of Marriage at North Hills Community Church in South Carolina. As former counselor at Biblical Counseling center and acclaimed soccer coach, Jim’s passion was discipling the young men that God brought to his teams and the counseling office. His role now has him bringing hope to marriages and families at his church based counseling center.
More about our SPEAKER: Having lived in seven states and attended six different schools by the age of 11, Jim found the sameness of the athletic field and participation in team sports to be stabilizing factors in his aloneness as a young man. After coming to Christ at the age of 16 and training for ministry in undergraduate school, God graciously allowed him to coach on the high school and college levels for nearly 30 years. His teams at Northland International University (WI) won three national championships under his tutelage. Click here to read more about our speaker.
PLUS: Hear unforgettable testimonies, uplifting praise music, and exciting 2017-18 goals for BCC.
Check in at 6:30pm and enjoy punch and a NEW bible trivia conversation starter. The dinner begins promptly at 7pm and ends at 9pm. The dress is nice casual.
Dynamite speaker! Christ-exalting worship music! Gourmet meal!
Near the end of the evening, you will have an opportunity to make a tax-deductible donation to BCC if you desire. Please just come and celebrate with us. Your presence is important to us. This banquet is complimentary.
Questions? Please contact Kristen Lezza. Call 847-398-7193. Thanks!