Helping Churches Create a Plan for Christ-Centered Care
Too many churches don't know how to care for the hurting.
Congregations aren't equipped to provide care for one another
Most pastors receive little training in seminary on how to counsel
Many believe that complex problems can only be helped by professionals
Churches don't have a plan to teach others to care
It doesn't have to stay that way. Your church can learn to provide hope and help to each other in times of need.
You don't have to figure this out on your own.
BCC provides more than just a curriculum and resources; we also provide a partnership. We'll tailor our program to fit your church's unique needs, and we'll provide guidance and ongoing support throughout the process.
We look forward to partnering with you. Schedule a call today!

What You Get with Launch
With Launch you can train your people for a fraction of the cost compared to travelling to weekend seminars.
60 video lessons and printable notes
Small group activities for every lesson
Qualified training for National Certification
Live Kickoff Weekend Visit
Consultation with church leadership
Freedom to study at your own pace
Facilitator training
Access to the “Step by Step Guide” training course
Personalized feedback and ongoing support
Launch trains your people to counsel and your leadership to oversee a counseling ministry.
How to Get Launch for Your Church
Schedule a consultation call
Use our easy online calendar scheduling tool to schedule a time that works for you.
Join the call
You'll join us for a free 30 minute call where we learn more about your ministry and how we can help.

Plan your Launch program
We'll develop a plan that fits your unique needs, and help your leadership take action.
Kickoff your Launch weekend
We will visit your ministry, meet with leadership, and help you gain momentum. (Live or Online)
What People Are Saying About Launch

Pastor Dave Cooke
New York
"Our original goal was to utilize Biblical Counseling as an outreach ministry, but now we are finding that it is shaping every ministry of the church."

"Thank you so much for visiting our church. The Lord used you to convict, encourage, and teach us! We appreciate how helpful you are to our class and congregation."

Pastor Rex Fisher
New York
"I personally am gleaning from the wisdom of BCC leaders who have done this before and they are helping us plan for a successful launch."