How Training Impacts Ordinary People

Dr. Tim AllchinFor Those Giving HelpLeave a Comment

Why would ordinary people invest their time and resources to learn biblical counseling? Read the following testimony from one of our recent students for an example.

“What a difference biblical counseling has made in my life! In taking this training, I now truly understand that every answer to life’s struggles is found in the Scriptures. Being a part of this training not only taught me how to help others, but it also helped me in my Christian walk. I will always be so thankful for the BCC staff and their encouragement.”

We believe every good biblical counselor is just an ordinary person who is allowing God to use them to impact others, strengthen the church, and shine His light in the darkness of this world!

Sometimes people wonder if they are qualified to be a biblical counselor and if they should join a biblical counseling training program. Other articles and resources on our site address the tricky questions of who is qualified and how to better understand the characteristics of effective biblical counselors.

In this article, I’m sharing some of the key benefits for ordinary people who have chosen to get equipped in biblical counseling.

Growing Personally

Life is full of situations where each of us struggles to know what is best to do. We can easily be deceived or feel overwhelmed, but biblical counseling improves your level of discernment. When you think deeply about God’s answers to common and complex struggles, your confidence that God’s plan is best will grow.

As you walk alongside people and study God’s word together, it also humbles you. This isn’t about becoming a superstar counselor- it’s just two people seeking wisdom from their Creator.

When you see people overcome struggles, it helps you learn to forgive others in your life and have compassion for the least of these. You’ll know that only God can change people.  

Impacting Others

Jesus made it clear that living our life to accumulate wealth and prosperity here on earth was a losing bet. The only opportunity you have to make an eternal impact is through bringing people into the family of God.

Every week as a counselor, I get to sit with people who are struggling to understand who God is. Some have never heard a clear gospel presentation or been challenged to turn from self-righteousness to trust in Jesus.

Biblical counselors have the tremendous opportunity to share how God has changed us, and how He offers that opportunity to others who will trust Him as well. We get to care for the hurting, confused, rebellious, and weak and share with them the hope and grace that God offers to all.

While biblical counselors are ordinary people, they can have an eternal impact if they’re willing to be sent by God to those in need.

Strengthening Your Church

Sadly, many churches don’t know how to care for the hurting, and most pastors don’t feel equipped to train others to care. Our students are ordinary people who wanted a better option for providing care.

The message of Jesus was that churches are supposed to feel more like hospitals, less like country clubs. Churches have a mission to reach the lost, but many can focus more on the business of the church than the mission of the church.

Trained biblical counselors can help their pastors and church reclaim the mission to go into the world and make disciples.

Shining in the Darkness

Biblical counselors have an opportunity to bring light to those who bear the scars of sinful patterns that create tremendous suffering and bondage. Jesus called us to be a light right where we are and even to other places of persistent need.

God’s Word helps us understand suffering and how God speaks with a gentle voice of reassurance to those who suffer. Many Christians today curse the darkness but also stay home and refuse to light their communities. God has a different plan, a better way.

Our biblical counseling training helps you to understand the darkness and how you can talk with those in need.


Biblical Counseling is an essential part of God’s mission to reach a world in need. When ordinary Christians do what we’re called to do, we’ll experience joy and fruitfulness.

God has always used ordinary people who were willing to say “yes” to His mission, and that’s the testimony of all our counselors and students at BCC.

Do you or someone you know need counseling?

We are passionate about helping hurting people. We provide Skype counseling for people across the country, and live counseling in 5 offices across the Chicagoland area.

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Are you interested in learning to counsel others?

We believe that the Bible has the answers for a hurting world. We are passionate about training people and churches, through online courses and events, to help those in need.

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