There was a day in the way-past that doctors made house-calls when friends came to visit the sick or grieved or lonely, and when pastors visited the homes of his flock regularly. But those days are way past! However, technology has partially filled that gap, and in some very good ways!
Our family and friends stay connected via Facebook, FaceTime, Zoom or Marco Polo to let us in on events that bring people together from far and wide. Our computers organize our lives and our work meetings are via Zoom. But there is a downside! It’s easy to never leave home. For some, home is the only safe place with no real face-to-face connections. Anxiety overwhelms at the thought of going out!
Technology can bring people together or push them apart! Isolation can become debilitating when we allow it to interfere with real, live relationships. However, online video counseling has been able to meet a need in one segment of the population that would be left to struggle alone were it not for online counseling! Some live where there is no face-to-face biblical counseling, but they really need guidance and someone to help them process a struggle they face. Also, there are those with such anxiety they cannot make themselves leave home to get help, so they have suffered alone in the past.
Online Video Counseling is Easy to Set up
Biblical Counseling Center started several years ago offering online video counseling to help those who struggle, but who cannot bring themselves to leave home to find help. We at BCC want to help all who fit that category! Our recent switch to SimplePractice makes it easier than ever for anyone on any continent to receive counseling from an experienced biblical counselor.
No matter what the struggle, wherever they are, private and personal counseling can help make the difference in success or defeat! Simple Practice only requires an internet connection and a phone, computer, or tablet. We send you an email with a link, you click on it and you are connected. You submit forms, payment and communicate with your counselor all privately online.
Check out this success story
Let me tell you about Sue. She was so afraid of germs that she quit teaching the dance class she loved. She soon quit going to the grocery store because so many people shopped and touched everything there. Her husband brought home groceries and she washed every can, bottle or package with bleach and then took a shower herself. Soon she would not let her husband be anywhere but the kitchen or downstairs where he slept (because he exposed her to germs). She would not leave the house to get help but was willing to talk on her iPhone.
We talked many times about the origin of her fears, the impact of her fears on her marriage, her career, and her joy in the Lord. She began to read and study God’s Word in a fresh new way and to take small steps of faith. In time she was willing to visit her doctor again. She worked on a long-neglected remodeling project to get her house ready to sell and move to a warmer climate for a fresh start with her husband.
If you or someone you know is struggling with social anxiety or with OCD, germaphobia, or any mindset that isolates, please consider meeting with a counselor at BCC in a private room on the internet. Private connections make counseling possible for those who need “house-calls” for whatever reason.
How Online Video Counseling Can Help you
We will take the time to listen to your heart, to hear your pain, to understand your deepest struggle. Then we will help you to process that through Scripture, learning God’s perspective on your problems or fears. Scripture teaches us that the Truth sets us free, and we will be very practical in how to walk you through transforming your mind to find that freedom.
It will be an exciting adventure to watch someone paralyzed by fear find the freedom to once again connect with others face-to-face. One little step of victory sets the stage for your next, and that victory comes through trusting Christ and His Word. He will set you free!