As a counselor, I get to observe my share of conflicts. Frankly as a parent and church member, I get a close up view of conflict as well. Conflict seems to be a constant in our culture, homes, churches, and relationships. We may go through seasons of peace, but we never seem to completely outrun the long arm of conflict. … Read More
Handling Conflict Well in a Friendship
FRIENDSHIP: Sometimes a friendship goes along just fine but then. . .WHAM. . .a conflict hits. So what then? WHEN A FRIENDSHIP TURNS SOUTH, what’s the best way to respond? Two thoughts may come to mind immediately. 1. Drop your friend. 2. Stick it out and repair the friendship. Which one seems best? What choice have you made in the … Read More
Tough Easter? Encouragment for Hurting People
How was your Easter celebration? It’s not a positive experience for all, and the counselors at Biblical Counseling Center know it. Dr Tim Allchin, BCC director, shares three important truths about God as well as encouragement for you. In the week after Easter, the counselors at BCC often find an interesting mix of emotions in our counseling sessions. For those … Read More