Rebuilding Trust After a Deep Hurt

Dr. Donna HartFor Those Giving Help, For Those Seeking Hope6 Comments

Rebuilding trust takes time when someone— a husband/wife or close friend—hurts you deeply. Do you fear forgiving the one who hurt you? Forgiving a person who has sinned against us means that we will no longer hold the sin against the offender. It does not mean that the relationship returns to where it was before. Often a husband or wife … Read More

Emotions: Powerful and Revealing!

Dr. Donna HartFor Those Seeking HopeLeave a Comment


Emotions are powerful and they reveal what you value and desire. In this article by Dr. Donna Hart, PhD, which first appeared here on her website, you will dig deep into the meaning of your emotions. When I ask the question, “what are emotions,” the answer I often get is that they are feelings. They are a great deal more than … Read More

TEMPTATION: 3 Ways to Escape!

Dr. Lucy Ann MollFor Those Giving Help, For Those Seeking HopeLeave a Comment


You can escape temptation. Knowing this brings hope, doesn’t it? If someone offered you houseboat a few yards above Niagara Falls, would you buy it? Of course not. Would you let your teen attend a Prom with a known drug user? No again. These are obvious risks. You wouldn’t feel tempted to “give in.” Temptation is an enticement to make … Read More

How to Heal After Adultery

Julie GanschowFor Those Giving Help, For Those Seeking Hope3 Comments

healing after adultery

Can your marriage survive adultery? It won’t be easy, but because of God’s grace, a husband and wife can reconcile and grow spiritually. This article originally appeared on the Biblical Counseling Coalition website and is used with permission. While devastating and heartbreaking, infidelity in a marriage can be worked through to a successful reconciliation. Because of Jesus, we have the ability … Read More

5 Promises of Hope & More!

Dr. Lucy Ann MollFor Those Seeking Hope2 Comments

promises of hope

I woke up sobbing, my tears spilling the pain of a secret childhood memory. My husband reached for my hand under the quilt, his green eyes searched mine. “What’s wrong, Lucy? What happened?” “I don’t know,” I lied. I knew the reason for my tears, these salty signals of pushed-down pain. With no warning the memory swept away my equilibrium … Read More

Do You Need Your Hope Restored?

BCC StaffFor Those Giving Help, For Those Seeking Hope1 Comment

Restored HOPE is a desperate need of our world today. Doesn’t someone you know need hope restored? Do you? Dr. Ron Allchin, D. Min. shares how to restore hope and what Biblical Counseling Center is doing this year to restore hope, namely. . . . 1. Training churches in the U.S. and overseas to care for people. 2. Counseling the hurting to believe the … Read More

Finding Hope in Troubled Times

BCC StaffFor Those Giving Help, For Those Seeking Hope1 Comment


You can find hope in troubled times when you know where to look. Isn’t this reassuring?  Troubled times are as old as the Garden of Eden. God said to the devil, to Eve, and to Adam that their rebellion meant times of trouble for mankind. Indeed, “troubled times” is an oft-used phrase for these present days. Whether an earthquake or … Read More

Christmas HOPE from Us to You!

Dr. Ron AllchinFor Those Giving Help, For Those Seeking HopeLeave a Comment

Christmas HOPE 2014

Christmas HOPE from Us to You. This is our prayer on this day we celebrate Jesus’ birth. Sherry and I cannot express enough how thankful to God we are for you and for your faithful friendship. From the hopelessness of individual spiritual battles to financial struggles to insane wars or frightening Ebola outbreaks, HOPE is needed in the hearts of so … Read More