Contentment on Thanksgiving? Sometimes it abounds, sometimes it’s elusive. Today’s encouragement comes from guest writer Lynn Mosher, who uplifts the soul at her website.
As I listened to a preacher on television one Sunday morning, he shared something that impressed me. So I knew I had to share with you.
A Letter to Dear Abby
Years ago, Jason Lehman’s grandmother wrote to Dear Abby and asked if Abigail Van Buren would print in her column the poem Jason had written. So after verifying Jason had written it, Dear Abby ran the following column on February 14, 1989.
Dear Abby: You frequently print poems you think are worth sharing with your readers, so I am sending you one written by my grandson, Jason Lehman. He is 14 years old and lives in New Haven, Conn. I hope you think it’s worth printing. –Irene Lehman, Pompano Beach
Dear Mrs. Lehman: I do. But I must confess I had difficulty believing that a 14-year-old could view life from such a mature and philosophical perspective, so (with your permission) I telephoned Jason and told him I thought his poem was extraordinary. I also said I planned to publish it, so if he didn’t compose it, to please fess up or the repercussions could be very embarrassing.
Jason assured me that he was, indeed, the author, so here’s the poem from a talented young poet who I think is wise beyond his years:
A Poem on Contentment
Present Tense
It was spring, but it was summer I wanted,
The warm days, and the great outdoors.
It was summer, but it was fall I wanted,
The colorful leaves, and the cool, dry air.
It was fall, but it was winter I wanted,
The beautiful snow, and the joy of the holiday season.
It was winter, but it was spring I wanted,
The warmth and the blossoming of nature.
I was a child, but it was adulthood I wanted,
The freedom and respect.
I was 20, but it was 30 I wanted,
To be mature, and sophisticated.
I was middle-aged, but it was 20 I wanted,
The youth and the free spirit.
I was retired, but it was middle-age I wanted,
The presence of mind without limitations.
My life was over, and I never got what I wanted.
~Jason Lehman~
The Truth About Contentment
Contentment: being satisfied with what one is or has and not wanting anything more or else.
Are we satisfied with what we have or what we are, or are we always wishing for something else? Or are we as content as Paul?
I have learned how to get along happily whether I have much or little. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of contentment in every situation, whether it be a full stomach or hunger, plenty or want; for I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power. (Phil. 4:11b-14 TLB)
The secret of contentment? In every situation? Whew! Not easy, is it?
But Paul knew the answer. He was strengthened, empowered, infused with the Lord. And his spiritual gas tank was always full. Contentment to the fullest!
Are we empowered in the midst of our trials and heartaches? When we go through those times of lack, of heartache, of hunger, of want, or whatever else we experience, we can still be content as Christ infuses us His strength and power. So true satisfaction and contentment, then, is found only in Jesus.
Do You Possess the Secret?
Are you content with where you are and who and what you are? Are you satisfied with what you have?
In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered
through your union with Him]; draw your strength
from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides]. Eph. 6:10, AMP
Contentment. Really.
Today and always, may you be thankful.
~your friends at Biblical Counseling Center~