What Brings Us Hope this Easter

Dr. Tim AllchinFor Those Seeking HopeLeave a Comment

This is a different Easter than usual for all of us.  Elaborate services, fancy dresses, family parties, and abundant chocolate have given way to simplicity, quiet, and even sadness.

As the friends of Jesus walked to the tomb that Easter morning, I’d imagine that there was a sense of quiet and sadness as well.  They were not anticipating hope, but found it on Easter morning in the risen Savior.

Easter is all about hope.

Beyond Easter, we can experience hope in our everyday lives no matter what we’re going through.

I recently asked several of our counselors to share things that bring them hope and how we can all seek hope intentionally.  As you read through the snippets from our BCC Counseling Staff below, please know that we are wishing you a Happy Easter, celebrating in quiet simplicity, full of hope in the risen Lord.

Dr. Donna Hart – Arlington Heights
Having vision always gives my heart hope; so it made me ask a question of my heart.  Who am I as a living memory of God?  This is not a question of doing, but of who I am.  As a counselor, I am to be a living reminder of God.  This is not technical skills to be mastered through acquisition of knowledge, techniques, and skills but rather a way of living, in the spirit, by which all I am and do becomes a reminder of who God is.  My vision and prayer for this year is to pray that the Lord would be my vision and Lord of my heart and that His Words would be in my mouth so I can build others up and see them planted.

Jerrod Tillotson – Dupage Office
My wife and I are a relatively young family with two kids, a teething and understandably clingy 16-month-old daughter and a seemingly strapped for attention four-year-old son. After a recent long stressful day and I could feel that we were both tired and at our wits end just trying to get through. I took a deep breath, and in prayer akin to Phil. 4:4-9, I asked God for help and patience. Soon thereafter, I got a thought of turning on music, specifically a playlist of hymns I recently put together. ‘And Can It Be’ came on, and I believe God through it changed the spirit of the house entirely from stressed, irritable, and overwhelmed to content and more peaceful, each of us humming and singing along. Ephesians 5:18a-20 talks of speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, making music in our hearts to the Lord. Applying that simple verse to my life gave me hope.

Krista Ryndak – Formerly Schaumburg Office
Over the last week, our family has been pondering what Easter will be like without all the typical “trappings” of egg hunts, new clothes, and visits to the Easter bunny at the mall.  Though it feels like the evangelism opportunity will be different with church being online this year (will unbelievers be more or less likely to attend an online service?), we feel a sense of anticipation.  This year, Easter gets to truly and only be about Christ, as it should have been all along.  We are praying the simplicity of the celebrations reminds all of us of the true message of the Gospel- that our Christ alone is our way, our truth, and our life.

Kenzie Crowley – Dupage Office
Keeping perspective adjusted, for me, takes consistent intentionality.  I’ve found encouragement from 2 Kings 6:15-23 recently; reminding me that perspective matters.  Easter itself is such a kind reminder of God’s intense care, bringing me perspective, and shifting my heart’s response to rest.  Thankfulness is another way I intentionally shift my perspective; a few things I’m thankful for right now: getting my hands dirty with projects, being in the sun, and enjoying some funny and thoughtful conversations with my husband Petey.

Lucy Ann Moll – Online Video Office
There is a hilarious photo of “3-year-old” me decked out in a cute pastel green coat my mom sewed on her Singer sewing machine, but I was absolutely not happy! My bottom lip nearly reached Pluto! Why the pout? Did my dad bite off my chocolate Easter bunny’s head? I cannot remember, but I do cherish my memories of Easter with family growing up and I love making new ones with my own children and grandchild. Happy Easter!

Carol Wright – Northwest Indiana Office
Because of Christ’s death and resurrection, my old self has died. I am now a new creation (2Cor 5:17) with the joy of being transformed into His image and the hope of eternity with Him.  I am thankful that my hope comes from knowing I am loved and secure in Christ.

Dr. Ronald Allchin – Online Video Office
My hope is in Rom 8:28 that God is up to something in this crisis and that He is always up to something good! We can trust Him in all circumstances!  Psalm 20:7 reminds us that our hope is to be trusting in the right thing: our God.

Sherry Allchin – Online Video Office
My hope THIS Easter is in trusting God and thanking Him for good health amidst this Covid-19 pandemic.  My hope is that our nation will realize that brotherly love is better than utterly shove!  We are blessed to see the love and concern of our church family for each other and we hope and pray that remains the new normal in our church, community, and world!

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