How We Train for Success

Dr. Tim AllchinFor Those Giving Help, For Those Seeking HopeLeave a Comment

Isn’t it great to read a success story?

A father and mother needed help for their teen. They walked in the doors of New Hope Bible Church, a multi-cultural community of faith on Chicago’s west side, looking for help, for direction, for compassion, anything that would keep their at-risk teen out of gangs. The couple and their teen received one-on-one compassionate care and God’s truth from the pastor and trained lay people in its care ministry.

The result was astounding. Through compassionate and effective biblical counseling, the dad and mom became believers in Jesus Christ. In fact, the entire family including the struggling teen and his younger siblings came to saving faith. The teen found a better place of belonging than the streets—God’s family.

New Hope is among the churches trained by Biblical Counseling Center—the pastor, the small group leaders, and others with a heart for the hurting. We helped the church launch its own biblical counseling center, too. Hearts of Hope Care Ministry provides physical, emotional, and spiritual support to enable spiritual life transformation according to God’s purpose.

You can listen to New Hope’s pastor tell the story here.

We Train

Biblical Counseling Center trains the church in person or online (or a combination) to equip leaders to care for its members and the hurting in the community. We also train individuals through numerous courses in our online school. Our online, self-paced courses include Foundations of Biblical Counseling, Contemporary Issues, Portraits, Marriage and Family, and Advanced Topics.

You can discover the details at our online school. When you click on a course title, you’ll see the course outline along with course notes and downloadables that accompany each lesson.

Since 1989, we’ve trained many thousands of students all over the world in biblical counseling principles, topics, and applications. Our training program offers 120 hours of quality instruction. We are a certified ACBC center, too. In fact our Foundations of Biblical Counseling course and our Portraits observation course satisfy two main requirements in ACBC’s Learning phase.

In 2014 in partnership with Crossroads Bible College, we began offering the opportunity to our students to earn up to 12 hours of college credit from Crossroads. Many who contact us for biblical counseling training say they appreciate the college credit option.

We Reach Out

Biblical Counseling Center travels outside the United States to bring biblical counseling to churches desiring training. Dr. Ron Allchin, founder of Biblical Counseling Center, visited Cuba and India a few times last year to train believers in Foundations of Biblical Counseling and to encourage them to persevere.

In 2015 Dr. Allchin and his wife, Sherry, plan to return to India and also travel to Romania and Haiti. It’s common for them to bring resources like laptops to pastors in need of technology so that they can further the work of biblical counseling, help the hurting, and spread the Good News of the Gospel among their people.

Connect with Us

Biblical Counseling Center invites you to connect with us and join us in “helping churches care for people.” We welcome your questions. The best ways to reach us are by phone and email.

We’d also appreciate a visit to our website and Facebook page.

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How would biblical counseling write success stories at your church?

Do you or someone you know need counseling?

We are passionate about helping hurting people. We provide Skype counseling for people across the country, and live counseling in 5 offices across the Chicagoland area.

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Are you interested in learning to counsel others?

We believe that the Bible has the answers for a hurting world. We are passionate about training people and churches, through online courses and events, to help those in need.

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