Is depression purely a physiological condition of hormones or chemicals out of balance. Or, is there a heart/mind connection. Or, do both play a role? The experts have disagreed, so how do we as biblical counselors help those who suffer from depression? How can we help without pushing them further down into the quagmire of despair and shame? Depression Is … Read More
Does Gospel-Centered Counseling Really Work?
Does gospel-centered counseling really work? Isn’t this a crucial question for biblical counselors and counselees? Listen to this story. Meet Ashley and Nate Ashley and her husband, Nate, met with Pastor Bob Kellemen at church the day after their twin sons’ eleventh birthday. With tears streaming down her face, Ashley shared that twenty-five years earlier, not long after her eleventh birthday, … Read More
How to Improve Your Emotions
Do you want better emotions? Who doesn’t?! Your difficult emotions like anger, fear, and sadness — and your happy-joy-love ones too — communicate important information to you. This is wonderful: As you grasp the meaning of your emotions and learn how to view them, you can begin to switch negative emotions for positive emotions, based on God’s word. Emotions Say Something Important Emotions result … Read More
SUICIDE: Ways to Prevent It
Suicide. It’s nearly impossible to understand, but there are ways to help prevent it. NOTE: Always dial 911 immediately if you suspect someone has attempted suicide! Prevention strategies don’t always work. Someone whose determined to die sometimes is “successful” and dies. It’s sad, tragic. I talked to a parent whose teen is struggling. Her 15-year-old friend killed himself after several … Read More
Depression in December?
December and depression go hand in hand for some people. Christmastime my be more dreary than merry. Guest blogger and biblical counselor Julie Ganschow, who is director of Reigning Grace Counseling Center in Kansas City, MO, shares hope with folks struggling with depression. This post first appeared here and is used with her permission. Turn to me and be gracious … Read More
Depression, God, and You
Depression, God, and you. Yes, depression may have a physical cause or it may be rooted in a spiritual issue. When depression has a legitimate physical cause, it’s best addressed and controlled through the advancements of medical science. Diabetes, hypothyroidism, and other glandular problems may be directly connected to the depression a person feels. I will let the medical doctors give … Read More