How does God view you? That question shapes many of our actions and reactions in life. We often find ourselves counseling with individuals who have these kinds of thoughts stuck in their head over and over again. Thoughts about God: He is ashamed of me. He is angry with me. He is so disappointed with me. He is frustrated with my choices. … Read More
The Sneaky Lies of Shame!
Shame: Do you believe its lies? I recently spoke to someone regarding harsh words they had said to another. This acquaintance said they just “couldn’t forgive themselves.” After gently pointing out the theological inaccuracy of this statement, I started pondering their feelings of shame over the incident. From personal experience, I can tell you that shame can keep you up … Read More
Teen Sex: Help and Hope for Parents
TEEN SEX: The thought that your son or daughter is sexually active cuts Christian parents to the core. Biblical counselor Julie Ganschow describes the prevalence and dangers of teen sex, and she gives hope and help to parents. Her article appeared first here on The Biblical Counseling Coalition. It is used with permission. Fourteen-year-old “Angela” (not her real name) sat in my counseling office at the … Read More
Shame: How to Rid the Dirt!
Shame is very real. It is a deep sense that you are unacceptable because of something you did, something done to you, or something associated with you. In this article by Dr. Donna Hart, PhD, you’ll discover the imacts, causes, and effects of shame. Plus, learn steps to freedom! Donna’s article appeared first here on her website and is used … Read More
Shame: Is It Crouching at Your Door?
Shame says you’re worthless through and through. Christians may feel shame too. Here is counselor’s Joshua Waulk’s insightful article on shame. It appeared first here on Baylight Counseling’s website. There’s a type of sadness that often lingers in the air in many counseling sessions. It isn’t always easily identified, especially early on in a counseling relationship, but through the process of listening … Read More
Shame: What It Is, How to Heal
Shame feels. . .awful. It says, “I’m unpresentable.” Donna Hart, PhD, who works in BCC’s Arlington Heights and Schaumburg offices, shares what it is and how to heal through God’s loving power. This article appeared first on Donna’s website and is used with permission. Shame has a long history. It starts right at the beginning of Genesis 3:6-10, where we … Read More
4 Ways to Radical Transformation
Did you know that a beautiful picture of radical transformation is seen in an addict (or any sinner) who repents? It is interesting to note what happens the first time a person experiments by using alcohol, prescription medications, or recreational drugs to excess, they say to themselves, “Wow, this is the best thing ever; I have never felt so good! … Read More