An Open Invitation to Pastors

Dr. Tim AllchinFor Those Giving HelpLeave a Comment

pastors breakfast

Hi Pastor,

We’d love to invite you to a Pastors’ Breakfast on August 27, our treat.

Why you? Why now?

Biblical Counseling Center believes that you care about the hurting, that you want to help your church leaders care like Christ for people in your congregation and the community.

If your church is in the Chicago area, please jot the Wednesday, August 27 Pastors’ Breakfast on your calendar. It’s scheduled for 9 a.m. at a Wheaton restaurant. Please contact us for the location.

What if your church is in Hawaii or Alaska or someplace other than the Chicago area?

Jump a plane. . . just kidding.

We’ll send to the same great materials the pastors at the breakfast are getting. Tell us you want them and they’re yours.

Our Mission

Our mission is helping churches care for people.

Biblical Counseling Center was founded in 1989 in Arlington Heights, Illinois, by Dr. Ron Allchin, With three offices in the greater Chicago area (Arlington Heights, DuPage County, and NW Indiana) and partner churches in Chicago, our team of counselors have counseled thousands of hours, sharing trustworthy and Christ-centered guidance to help the hurting find practical help for deep struggles.

We have also helped churches all around the world by training churches how to compassionately counsel at their own church.

Why Biblical Counseling Matters

Where do the people in your church get their wise counsel? Does it matter?  What about the married couple torn apart by adultery? Or the woman with depression? The man struggling with porn? Or the teen with eating disorders?

Wise, compassionate and motivating counsel is critical to help the struggling return to God’s purpose for life.

Should you send these hurting souls to secular clinics?

Or is it best to counsel all of them yourself?

Or should you raise up caring lay leaders in your church to point the hurting to Christ and the Scriptures?

2 Ways We Help Pastors

1. We train. Training your church leaders (elders, deacons, Sunday school teachers, small group leaders, and other ministry leader) on the Foundations of Biblical Counseling so they care like Christ for the hurting in your church and community.

2. We counsel. Counseling the hurting in your church when a difficult counseling situation arises or whenever you need to refer an individual, couple, or family for counseling by the Word.

Now What?

We encourage you to contact us and tell us you can come to the Pastors’ Breakfast and enjoy a good meal and great conversation. If you cannot make it on Wednesday, August 27, contact us anyway so we can send you the free resources.

Serving Jesus Christ,

Biblical Counseling Center staff

photo credit: Chiot’s Run via photopin cc

Do you or someone you know need counseling?

We are passionate about helping hurting people. We provide Skype counseling for people across the country, and live counseling in 5 offices across the Chicagoland area.

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Are you interested in learning to counsel others?

We believe that the Bible has the answers for a hurting world. We are passionate about training people and churches, through online courses and events, to help those in need.

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