Results of Training for Women in Your Church

Dr. Tim AllchinFor Those Giving HelpLeave a Comment

Editor’s Note: This is the final article in our series about women involved in the ministry of biblical counseling. Our heart is that this equipping series encourages more churches and more individual women to embrace the impact they can make for Christ through learning and engaging in effective biblical counseling.

Since BCC began counseling in 1989, we were determined to not just become a counseling center but rather to be a training center so that churches could more effectively counsel their own people.

Many of the churches we work with came to us with a common struggle. How can we equip and utilize the gifts of women at our church? How can we reach this next generation who is growing up in a culture increasingly at odds with biblical values?

Most have never been trained to disciple someone else or engage in conversations that help others with their real-world struggles.

Pastors have particularly struggled to equip the women of their church for ministry and to reach the women in their flock on a personal level. Biblical counseling training is an intentional way that you can equip women in your church for discipleship ministry. 

We have found three common results when churches embrace training for their congregation.

Result #1 – Women grow in their confidence in God’s Word.

Listen to several church leaders who have trained their leadership and women to be ready to counsel as they describe the results of their training.

 “More of our people see now that the scriptures really do help, more people are confident that help is really found in God’s word.” Pastor Steve, Indiana

“The greatest benefit of Biblical Counseling Center’s training at our church is our people learned that the Bible has the answers for life’s complex problems. BCC’s training has brought hope and transformation to those who attended and has also made them more confident to help people in our congregation in every day discipleship.” Pastor Matt, Illinois

Do you see that “confidenceis the word these pastors share in common? Biblical counseling training brought confidence that The Word brings hope and healing, and confidence that this is how God would enable them to serve if they were willing.

Result #2 – Women are motivated to care for the hurting.

Theresa ministers in North Carolina and came to us a few years ago for help. She was burdened that their church needed to offer better help, and no one in their community offers any sort of biblical counseling. Theresa has organized and led a group of faithful leaders over the past two years who are now having deeper conversations and engaging in new ways.

In her own words, “the benefit is that our people are equipped to help hurting and broken people get healed and restored by guiding them in applying the Word of the God to their lives through biblical counseling.” 

Result #3 – Women are on mission to impact the community.

Are your women on mission? What does that even look like? Listen as one pastor describes the result that has occurred in his church as he has trained his leaders.

“The top benefit of doing counseling training at your church is that members get to interact with each other in their home setting and they respectively teach and grow with each other. They unite on a common mission of learning how to counsel and care better. The counseling training in the local church delivers a unique experience in the context of existing relationships.” Pastor Pat, Wisconsin

Pretty cool testimony! Equipping his leaders led to the maturing of his leaders and these leaders impacted others throughout his church and community. 


You are called to make disciples of everyone who walks through your doors or who is within your surrounding community. Have you equipped the women at your church to do so?

Unfortunately, many churches are keeping busy, putting on programs and church services, but rarely making disciples. Biblical counseling is a great method to equip women and men in the church to make disciples.

As we conclude this series on women’s impact through biblical counseling, what can you do?

  • As a church leader, would you consider training the women in your church? We offer training for all group sizes, and we can provide your ministry with ongoing support. Learn more about Launch.
  • As a woman interested in biblical counseling, would you consider joining one of our online courses? We have excellent courses for beginners and for those interested in certification. We would love to have you. Learn more about Training.

Do you or someone you know need counseling?

We are passionate about helping hurting people. We provide Skype counseling for people across the country, and live counseling in 5 offices across the Chicagoland area.

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Are you interested in learning to counsel others?

We believe that the Bible has the answers for a hurting world. We are passionate about training people and churches, through online courses and events, to help those in need.

Learn More Today

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