Listen, ask, look – these three essentials help you hear the heart of a hurting person. When you hear the heart like Jesus, you give compassionate, effective counseling. Essential 1: Listen To help the hurting, you need to learn about your counselee. There are two simple, but critical aspects to gathering the necessary information. The first is the ability to … Read More
The Solution to Temptation
Does temptation get the best of you sometimes? Brussels sprouts – yuck! The smell and taste disgust me. This vegetable is more of a deterrent than a temptation. If someone said I had to eat them before I could enjoy wonderfully delicious dark chocolate, I’d say “No Thanks” to both! Facing temptation is rarely this easy, however. When you and I … Read More
112 Hours Is a Precious Gift
Pretty much everyone I counsel gets 112 hours a week. Some run companies with their 112, some go to school, some work on cars and others play video games. Many have no idea what they do with their 112 hours. When working with those in crisis, we are working to help them examine their hearts and lives so that they … Read More
Spousal Appreciation – Practical Change Assignment – Download
Click HERE to download the Spousal Appreciation worksheet. Biblical Counseling Center cares about you and your marriage. Would you like to counseling with one of our experienced, compassionate biblical counselors? We provide counseling in person and by Skype. You can come in and share your marital struggles with or without your spouse. Your counselor will listen closely to understand your hurt. He … Read More