This post is written by Carol Wright who counsels for Biblical Counseling Center. In this post, she shares her story of how God has used the pain she experienced and the redemptive purposes she has now seen as she helps other women and children deal with their struggles.
5 Reasons the Resurrection Brings Hope
Resurrection: Have you wondered about the resurrection of Jesus Christ? How does the resurrection bring you hope? This article by counselor Lucy Ann Moll, a doctoral student in Biblical Counseling, appeared first at her website and is used with permission. Hope is something God knows all of us needs. Aren’t we in a world of hurt? From hearing of terrorist … Read More
Grace and Truth: How to Find the Balance
Grace and truth: Jesus personifies these two essential qualities of the Christian life and shows us how to life them out in balance. This article by Dr. Donna Hart, PhD, appeared first here at her website and is used with her permission. We often hear that the Christian life is all about becoming like Jesus. But what does it look … Read More