5 Little Reasons to Praise God

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5 reasons to praise God
Today’s guest blogger is Laurel Scott, a student and Chicagoan who loves jogging along Lake Michigan. She accepted a friend’s praise challenge and shares with us a few of her reasons to praise God, from anchors and fresh beginnings, to sunrises and sunsets, rain, and teachers. What would you add to Laurel’s list?


I live about ten minutes from the beach, and there is an old house on the lake with a seasonal restaurant that serves food in the summer. Outside of the restaurant, facing Lake Shore Drive near 63rd Street is a huge anchor, sitting on the ground. It is all black and about ten feet high.
When I think about who God is, I consider that He lives inside of every believer is Jesus Christ and His spirit guides us daily. In a sense, He is our anchor as He keeps us close to our Father. I am grateful for the Holy Spirit, our anchor.
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. ~Galatians 5:25

Fresh Beginnings

Often when we least expect it, and think everything is over, God lets us know He is still there, and it’s going to work out just as He promised. Fresh beginnings allow us to rejuvenate, rebuild, and restore. They allow us to release the guilt, shame, and pain of past seasons and rise in the morning to a new day.
Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. ~Philippians 3:13-14

Sunrises and Sunsets

I jog about 12 miles a week along the beach. Depending on my schedule, I run different hours. My favorite time to run is early in the morning when the city is still asleep, except for a few birds, and the sun begins to rise. God our Creator has painted a beautiful world for us to live in, with many colors. The pink and golden rays spreading over the water at dawn speaks to how He cares about every little thing that matters to us. He did not just make us and stick us anywhere, but He did so right in the midst of such beauty and peace. I love Him so.
The Mighty One, God, the LORD, has spoken, And summoned the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting. ~Psalm 50:1


Right now it is rainy and the lake water is restless, huge waves crashing on the shore. The fall of rain signifies many things: new beginnings, new growth, cleansing power, and more. Without rain, we would not have new seasons or fresh flowers, green grass, rainbows, or puddles to play in. As we grab our boots and slickers and umbrellas, and rush out into the day, let us remember that each season has its own beauty, its own significance. The bible tells us that we should wait on the Lord the way that the farmer waits on spring rains. Patience birthed through suffering blossoms fruit as wonderful as the crops God gives us in season.

[Patience in Suffering] Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. -James 5:7


A while back, I attended the annual barbeque at my mom’s church where I grew up at, and I ran into a couple of my Sunday school teachers. They wanted to know how I was doing and introduced me to our interim pastor. It was a good time of eating and fellowship, watching the kids play games and catching up.

Later on, I thought about what it meant to me as a child to have adults who were interested in my life and supportive of my dreams. Maybe I was spoiled or took it for granted at the time, but it was a real blessing to see how they are happy when I am happy, supportive when I am struggling, and comforting when I am sad. Everyone does not have that in their lives. I praise God for teachers, who love the Word of life, and love children and their dreams. What a blessing, to be cherished and supported even from such an early age. Teachers are truly a blessing.
Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. ~Hebrews 13:7

Join the Conversation

Consider how the Lord blesses you. Why not share one of your reasons to praise God? 

photo credit: Divvy bike Skyline via photopin (license)

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