A pastor at one of our Launch partnership churches, Michael Wallenmeyer, recently shared a quote he picked up at a conference, “If the disciples we are making, aren’t making disciples, are we making disciple of Jesus?” This mission is at the core of why we train churches to biblically counsel, or as we often call it “intensified, personalized discipleship.”
Does your church view counseling as part of discipleship? It should, and your ability to make reproducing disciples will increase with an intentional strategy to equip disciples to become disciple-makers. This is the heart of biblical counseling and the end result of our Launch Partnerships.
Recently, we asked Launch partners across the country to give us feedback on the benefits they see when they have partnered with BCC to train their people. Here are some of the most common responses.
Benefit #1 – Confidence in the Word and Confident Leaders
“More of our people see now that the scriptures really do help; more people are confident that help is really found in God’s Word.” – Steve Whicker, Indiana
“The greatest benefit of Biblical Counseling Center’s training at our church is our people learned that the Bible has the answers for life’s complex problems. BCC’s training has brought hope and transformation to those who attended and has also made them more confident to help people in our congregation in every day discipleship.” – Matt Black, Illinois
“It trained our leaders and gave them confidence to counsel others.” – Michael Wallenmeyer, South Dakota
Conclusion: Three separate pastors in three different states shared “Confidence” as a key result of this training. They found that the Launch partnership brought confidence that the Word brings hope and healing, and confidence that this is how God would enable them to serve if they were willing.
Benefit # 2 – Care for the Hurting in Your Church
“The benefit is that your people are equipped to help hurting and broken people get healed and restored, by guiding them in applying the Word of God to their lives through Biblical Counseling.” – Theresa Johnson, NC
Conclusion: Theresa ministers with her husband Danny in Roxoboro, NC and came to us a few years ago for help. They were burdened that they needed their church to offer better help, and no one in their community offers any sort of biblical counseling. Theresa has organized and led a group of faithful leaders over the past two years, who are now having deeper conversations and engaging in new ways.
Benefit # 3 – Community and Mission
“The top benefit of doing counseling training at your church is that members get to interact with each other in their home setting and they respectively teach and grow with each other. They unite on a common mission of learning how to counsel and care better. The counseling training in the local church delivers a unique experience in the context of existing relationships.” – Pat Stream, Wisconsin
Conclusion: No other biblical counseling training that I am aware of equips your church through a training process for making disciples. Our Launch partnerships help your church understand this important aspect: you are called to make disciples of everyone who walks through your doors or who is within your surrounding community. Your leaders will grow as you equip them, and they will reach others with what they have learned.
So many churches are putting on church services but rarely making disciples. Biblical Counseling training will refocus your church on why it exists: to make disciples.
We work with churches all over the country and will train your leaders or church staff to oversee the training. Reach out, we would love to talk with you and explain the partnership process.