Our popular workshops reveal the heartbeat of Biblical Counseling Center: “Helping Churches Care for People.”
Yes, our trained, experienced, certified biblical counselors come alongside hurting couples, men, women, teens, and children.
Yes, the Counselor speaks compassionate truth to them, changing their hearts, changing their lives.
Yes, chances are your pastor and leaders at your church are able to Counsel the Word (a phrase for biblical counseling). But what about you? Galatians 6:1 says all brothers and sisters in Christ must counsel one another.
To help churches care for people, Biblical Counseling Center presents workshops all year-long. We have 28 popular workshops. The marriage workshops are top favorites along with parenting and learning how to counsel.
These workshops may be grouped and presented as a half-day, all-day, or weekend training sessions.
Please contact us with your questions and comments. Thank you. To God be the Glory.
Here’s the popular worshops’ list.
1. Counseling: Understanding the 3 Types of Counselees
2. Counseling: Who Is Responsible to Counsel?
3. Counseling: The Power and Sufficiency of Scripture
4. Counseling: The Power of Saying “I Care”
5. Crisis: Suicide
6. Crisis: Terminal Illness
7. Help for: Anger
8. Help for: Anxiety
9. Help for: Balance
10. Help for: Lust
11. Help for: Major Life Change
12. Help for: Making Decisions
13. Help for: Peer Pressure
14. Help for: Building Hope over Addictions
15. Marriage: The Christian Family
16. Marriage: The Excellent Wife
17. Marriage: The Godly Husband
18. Parenting: Teens
19. Parenting: The Godly Grandparent
20. Parenting: Truths Children Need Before 18
21. Sexuality: Biblical Principles of Sex
22. Sexuality: Pornography
23. Sexuality: Promiscuity
24. Sexuality: Purity
25. Sexuality: Same-Sex Attraction
26. The Church: Appreciating the Older Crowd
27. The Church: Handling Conflict Biblically
28. The Church: Counseling as a Way of Christian Life